Geographies of Development in Latin America: Critical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges


This course provides an overview to the geographies of development throughout Latin America. We will begin by examining a variety of theoretical perspectives, definitions and critiques of 'development'. We will highlight the uneven processes of development at multiple, overlapping scales and the power imbalances inherent in much of development discourse. In the second half of the course we will focus our considerations towards specific contemporary trends and development issues, utilizing case studies drawn primarily from Latin America. These themes will include sustainability, NGOs, social movements, social capital, security and conflict, identity, ethnicity and gender issues, participatory development, and micro-credit and conditional cash transfers. Students will acquire the critical theoretical tools to develop their own perspectives on how development geographies play out in Latin America.
Course Attributes: EN S; AS LCD; AS SSC; AS SD I; FA SSC; AR SSC; AS SC; BU IS

Section 01

Geographies of Development in Latin America: Critical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges
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